September 09, 2024 06:17 GMT
Gapped lower Overnight
- A small downside opening gap for the German 10yr Bund on the overnight open, a continuation from the unwind lower post US NFP, as the Data didn't disappoint as much as some may have positioned for.
- The small push lower in the last couple of minutes is Schatz led, with a 5k cumulative seller, although the curve is clearly steeper going the European session.
- Support in Bund comes at 133.82, followed by 133.54.
- Opening gap is at 134.16, while resistance moves down to 134.50, followed by the 2.139% Yield, this equated to 134.85 on Friday, and Futures printed a 134.81 post NFP.
- There's no Tier 1 data for today, later in the day will see NY fed 1yr Inflation expectations, but the US CPI will be at the forefront this week.
- The ECB will also be in focus as they are expected to cut their rates and narrow the spreads in Depo, Main, and Marginal rates.
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