October 03, 2024 09:41 GMT
WEATHER: Upcoming Cooler Temps to Likely support Nordic Delivery Costs
Average Nordic temperatures are anticipated at around 8.45C over October, with temps dropping to as low as -2.12C into February 25 – likely supporting heating demand and raising delivery costs – however, wind speeds are forecast to steadily rise, while limited nuclear maintenance is anticipated over Nov 24-Feb 25, latest Remit data show.
- Average temps in November are seen at 2.94C – relatively in line with the seasonal norm – before dropping to -0.5C in December, ECMWF shows.
- Temperatures are then estimated to fall to -2.18C and -2.12C in Jan-Feb, respectively, compared to the norm of -2.58C and -2.44C.
- However, wind speeds are forecast to climb to averages between 1.43-1.82 m/s over Nov 24-Feb 25 higher than forecasts for Sept.
- Nuclear availability is anticipated to be strong over Nov 24- Feb 25 as no major outages are anticipated, however, with recent unplanned curtailments of the Forsmark 1 and OL3 nukes capacity could be impacted if the issues are not resolved.
The Nordic system-wide spot averaged €74.58/MWh in November 2023, up from just €26.47/MWh in Oct 2023. This compares to the Nordic Base Power NOV 24 down 3.1% at 43.1 EUR/MWh
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