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MNI INTERVIEW2: Uninsured Bank Deposits Still Vulnerable-Bair


MNI interviews former FDIC Chair Sheila Bair in 100th episode of FedSpeak Podcast.

Smaller regional banks with large uninsured deposits are still exposed to the danger of destabilizing losses from high interest rates, despite a more proactive stance from regulators after last year's banking turmoil, former FDIC Chair Sheila Bair told MNI.

“The weaker banks are the ones with a big concentration in commercial real estate. The regulators have really been on top of this, really increasing the reserves against those potential losses,” she said in the latest episode of MNI’s FedSpeak Podcast.

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Smaller regional banks with large uninsured deposits are still exposed to the danger of destabilizing losses from high interest rates, despite a more proactive stance from regulators after last year's banking turmoil, former FDIC Chair Sheila Bair told MNI.

“The weaker banks are the ones with a big concentration in commercial real estate. The regulators have really been on top of this, really increasing the reserves against those potential losses,” she said in the latest episode of MNI’s FedSpeak Podcast.

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