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MNI POLICY: Fed Policy Looks Tight, Bolstering Case For Cuts


MNI looks at the Fed's view of the level of monetary restrictiveness.

Federal Reserve officials judge their policy tight enough to pull down inflation in spite of easy financial conditions and buoyant growth, reinforcing their bias to cut rates as soon as more favorable inflation reports are in hand.

The S&P 500 hit a record high last week and finished 25% above year-earlier levels, and the Atlanta Fed's GDPNow measure is tracking second quarter growth at 3.0%, well above the 2.1% penciled in for the year by the median FOMC official.

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Federal Reserve officials judge their policy tight enough to pull down inflation in spite of easy financial conditions and buoyant growth, reinforcing their bias to cut rates as soon as more favorable inflation reports are in hand.

The S&P 500 hit a record high last week and finished 25% above year-earlier levels, and the Atlanta Fed's GDPNow measure is tracking second quarter growth at 3.0%, well above the 2.1% penciled in for the year by the median FOMC official.

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