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MNI: RBNZ Cuts Incoming, Ex Staffers Question OCR Predictions

(MNI) Melbourne

MNI speaks to former RBNZ staffers about the rapidly slowing New Zealand economy and the future OCR track.

The Reserve Bank of New Zealand Monetary Policy Committee has locked itself into an uncomfortably hawkish position with its Official Cash Rate track showing an additional hike this year as the economy slows, former senior RBNZ economists told MNI, adding that a cut is likely to come by late 2024 but could be justified by as soon as the Aug 14 meeting.

A range of metrics, such as inflation expectations, retail spending and business confidence, will slow GDP growth considerably over the course of 2024, said Geoff Mortlock, financial consultant and former financial stability advisor at the RBNZ.

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The Reserve Bank of New Zealand Monetary Policy Committee has locked itself into an uncomfortably hawkish position with its Official Cash Rate track showing an additional hike this year as the economy slows, former senior RBNZ economists told MNI, adding that a cut is likely to come by late 2024 but could be justified by as soon as the Aug 14 meeting.

A range of metrics, such as inflation expectations, retail spending and business confidence, will slow GDP growth considerably over the course of 2024, said Geoff Mortlock, financial consultant and former financial stability advisor at the RBNZ.

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