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MNI INTERVIEW: RBNZ Credible, Cuts Still Distant - Conway

(MNI) Melbourne

RBNZ Chief Economist Paul Conway talks about inflation and monetary policy.

The Reserve Bank of New Zealand’s credibility regarding its future Official Cash Rate assumptions remains intact, despite it being well out of sync with market pricing, Chief Economist Paul Conway told MNI, noting cuts were still some way off.

Pointing to five- and 10-year inflation expectations as a key measure of the Reserve’s credibility, Conway noted the New Zealand public believed the RBNZ would maintain low and stable inflation. “Over the last couple of years, five- and 10-year inflation expectations have bubbled up, but nothing that's been concerning from a credibility perspective,” he told MNI in an interview, adding that the divergence between markets and the Reserve’s OCR track is normal.

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The Reserve Bank of New Zealand’s credibility regarding its future Official Cash Rate assumptions remains intact, despite it being well out of sync with market pricing, Chief Economist Paul Conway told MNI, noting cuts were still some way off.

Pointing to five- and 10-year inflation expectations as a key measure of the Reserve’s credibility, Conway noted the New Zealand public believed the RBNZ would maintain low and stable inflation. “Over the last couple of years, five- and 10-year inflation expectations have bubbled up, but nothing that's been concerning from a credibility perspective,” he told MNI in an interview, adding that the divergence between markets and the Reserve’s OCR track is normal.

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