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Europe’s Nuclear Capacity Could Reach 150GW by 2050: EU Nuclear Alliance


The Nuclear Alliance of the EU have published a manifesto, citing that nuclear capacity could climb up to 150GW by 2050, compared to about 100MW now, and has also called for policymakers to implement several energy policies, the document said, cited by WNN.

  • The alliance calls for fair treatment of all net-zero technologies, including nuclear, and requests support for funding, non-discrimination in taxation policies, and investment in nuclear workforce development.
  • This would enable nuclear developments to get access to EU funds, finance and provide improved support for nuclear research, according to the alliance.
  • The EU had previously shown support for the sector in March amid the launch of the European Industrial Alliance for Small Modular Reactors (SMRs).
  • Several new nuclear power plants are currently being built or planned across the EU, most notably in the UK, France, Poland, Sweden and the Czech Republic.
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The Nuclear Alliance of the EU have published a manifesto, citing that nuclear capacity could climb up to 150GW by 2050, compared to about 100MW now, and has also called for policymakers to implement several energy policies, the document said, cited by WNN.

  • The alliance calls for fair treatment of all net-zero technologies, including nuclear, and requests support for funding, non-discrimination in taxation policies, and investment in nuclear workforce development.
  • This would enable nuclear developments to get access to EU funds, finance and provide improved support for nuclear research, according to the alliance.
  • The EU had previously shown support for the sector in March amid the launch of the European Industrial Alliance for Small Modular Reactors (SMRs).
  • Several new nuclear power plants are currently being built or planned across the EU, most notably in the UK, France, Poland, Sweden and the Czech Republic.