October 25, 2024 08:04 GMT
FRANCE: Budget Debate Extended To Saturday Amid Mountain Of Amendments
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On 24 Oct it was confirmed that deputies in the National Assembly will continue debate on the revenue side of the draft finance bill (PLF) into Saturday 26 Oct amid a mountain of amendments that need to be decided on. The debate had been due to close at midnight on 25 Oct, with a vote on 29 Oct. However, as of the evening of 24 Oct there were still ~2,500 of the ~3,500 amendments to be decided upon.
- The leftist New Popular Front has said that it will pull a quarter of its ~1,200 amendments to try to get a vote as soon as possible. The centrist Ensemble pour la Republique (EPR) of President Emmanuel Macron will withdraw 100 of its ~900 amendments in a similar effort according to party chair Gabriel Attal. The conservative Les Republicains are refusing to withdraw any of their ~750 amendments, with party leader Laurent Waquiesz saying it was 'not planned' to follow EPR.
- Le Monde: "Is Article 49.3 [pushing through budget w/o a vote] moving away? Yes and no. In a way, the fact that the government is allowing more debate shows its goodwill, but it can still engage [Art. 49.3) at any time. And if it is not in this first part of the examination of the PLF, it could be during the second, during the examination of one of the two parts of the Social Security Finance Bill (PLFSS) or during the final votes after passage in the Senate...."
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