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Gilts are trading stronger Tuesday,....>

GILT SUMMARY: Gilts are trading stronger Tuesday, but medium-term direction
appears indecisive as the near-term outlook for Brexit remains in the balance.
- The cash curve is bull flattening, with the short end underperforming. The
2-Yr yield is down 3.3bps at 0.634%, 5-Yr is down 4.4bps at 0.747%, 10-Yr is
down 4.3bps at 1.005%, and 30-Yr is down 4.4bps at 1.546%.
- Jun 19 Gilt futures are up 42 ticks at 129.28, having traded in a range of
128.97-129.42 today.
- MPs Letwin and Cooper will try to force the government to rule out a no-deal
Brexit by requiring PM May to ask for an extension of Article 50 beyond the
April 12 deadline. Legislation is due to be debated in Commons on Wednesday.
- The E.U. however does not sound particularly enthused (Barnier: `a strong
justification would be needed` for extension`), and May could push Brexiteers to
support her Withdrawal Deal if the alternative is long extension.
- Not much data this week: today's Mar construction PMI was a touch below
consensus; Wednesday sees Services/Composite PMI.
- Nothing on the BoE speaker slate either. It is all Brexit.

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