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MNI: Big Price Cuts Needed To Lure China Homebuyers-Advisors

MNI (Singapore)
MNI (Beijing)

Chinese policy advisors consider moves to boost the housing market.


Sluggish consumer demand will slow the uptake of China’s mid-May housing rescue plan, advisors told MNI, noting authorities need to lower home purchase costs substantially to stimulate demand.

“Local governments and banks are not offering enough incentives to motivate homebuyers,” said Song Ding, a researcher at China Development Institute, arguing that current policies are still relatively conservative, despite the State Council’s June call for more progressive actions. (See MNI EM: China To Maintain Housing Stimulus, Lift Loan Appetite)

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Sluggish consumer demand will slow the uptake of China’s mid-May housing rescue plan, advisors told MNI, noting authorities need to lower home purchase costs substantially to stimulate demand.

“Local governments and banks are not offering enough incentives to motivate homebuyers,” said Song Ding, a researcher at China Development Institute, arguing that current policies are still relatively conservative, despite the State Council’s June call for more progressive actions. (See MNI EM: China To Maintain Housing Stimulus, Lift Loan Appetite)

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