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MNI: BOA Merrill Fund Survey: Investors Up Cash Assets In Dec

--Increased Cash Holdings May Pave Way For More Risk Taking in Q1'18
--Record High Say Equities Overvalued; Bonds Mkts Deemed Overvalued 
By Vicki Schmelzer
     NEW YORK (MNI) - Global investors upped their average cash balance to 4.7%
in December from 4.4% in November, putting cash balances well above the 10-year
average of 4.5%, according to Bank of America Merrill Lynch's monthly fund
managers survey, released Tuesday. 
     "Despite surging credit and equity markets, investors increased their cash
balance back into buy territory," said Michael Hartnett, chief investment
strategist. "This paves the way for more risk asset upside in the beginning of
     On asset allocation, a net 48% of fund managers polled were overweight
global equities in December, compared to a net 49% overweigh in November, which
was the highest since April 2015. This compared to a net 45% overweight in
October and a net 34% overweight in September.
     A net 59% of managers were underweight bonds in December, versus a net 56%
underweight in November and a net 60% underweight in October, which was the
lowest allocation in seven months.
     "A record high three-month moving average of a net 45%" said world equities
were overvalued and a net 83% of fund managers said bond markets are overvalued,
very close to the net 85%, a record high, seen in October. 
     "Two thirds of investors expect U.S. tax reform to result in higher bond
yields and higher stocks in 2018, while only 3% think it will lead to lower
yields and stocks," the survey said.  
     Most regional equity markets saw paring and squaring of positions.
     A net 15% of portfolio managers polled in December were underweight U.S.
stocks versus a net 16% in November, a net 21% underweight in October and a net
28% underweight in September, which was the largest since November 2007. 
     In contrast, a net 45% of managers were overweight eurozone stocks in
December, versus a net 47% in November and a net 58% overweight in October,
which was the highest in five months.  
     Allocation to emerging market equities fell to a net 34% overweight in
December from a net 43% overweight in November. This compared to a net 41%
overweight in October.
     In December, a net 24% of fund managers were overweight Japanese stocks,
down from the two-year high of a net 32% seen in November, but a bit above the
net 23% seen in October. 
     A net 34% of those polled were underweight UK equities this month, versus a
net 37% in November and a net 31% in October.   
     The top tail risks in December were "Fed/ECB policy mistake," feared by a
net 23%, a "crash in global bonds," a net 15% and a "Chinese debt crisis," a net
     In November, the top "tail risks" were "Fed/ECB policy mistake," with a net
27% of portfolio mangers fearing this at the time, followed by a net 22%
concerned about a "crash in global bond markets," and a net 13% who feared that
"market structure" causes a "flash crash."
     In December, the "most crowded trades" were "Long Bitcoin" (net 32% noted),
"Long FAANG+BAT" (net 29%) and "Short Volatility" (net 14%)
     This compared to the "most crowded trades" in November: "Long Nasdaq" (a
net 34% noted), "Short Volatility" (a net 26%) and "Long US/EU/EM NY Corp Bonds"
(a net 18%). 
     Overall, "Goldilocks remains the consensus view for the global economy,
with 54% of investors surveyed expecting above-trend growth and below-trend
inflation in the next 12 months, just 2ppt lower than last month's record high,"
BOA Merrill Lynch said. 
     An overall total of 203 panelists, with $558 billion in assets under
management, participated in the BOA Merrill Lynch survey, taken Dec. 8 to 14. 
     "172 participants with $480 AUM responded to the Global FMS questions and
89 participants with $203 AUM responded to the Regional FMS questions." the
survey said.
--MNI New York Bureau; tel: +1 212-669-6438; email:
[TOPICS: M$U$$$,M$$FI$,M$$FX$]

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