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MNI European Morning FI Technical Analysis

13 December 2017
By Kyle Shortland
Please click on this link to access MNI's daily European FI Technical Analysis
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BUND TECHS: (H18) 163.17 Support Continues To Confirm Significance
*RES 4: 163.93 Daily Bull channel top (off Sept low)
*RES 3: 163.89 Low June 1 now resistance (Cont)
*RES 2: 163.78 High Dec 11
*RES 1: 163.45 Hourly support Dec 12 now resistance
*SUP 1: 163.17 Low Dec 8
*SUP 2: 162.85 21-DMA
*SUP 3: 162.79 Hourly support Dec 5
*SUP 4: 162.48 Daily Bull channel base (off Oct 25 low)
*COMMENTARY: Fresh 6mth highs lacked follow through Monday, capped by the
Bollinger top (163.85). The 163.17 support remains key. Bears continue to look
for a close below 163.17 to ease bullish pressure and below 162.79 to shift
focus to layers of support 161.93-162.00 where the 55-DMA (161.96) is located.
While 163.17 supports bulls remain focused on daily bull channel tops with a
close above 163.45 to add to bullish confidence.
BOBL TECHS: (H18) 21-DMA Supporting, For Now
*RES 4: 132.850 Low May 30 now resistance 
*RES 3: 132.740 High Dec 7 
*RES 2: 132.620 High Dec 11 
*RES 1: 132.510 Hourly support Dec 11 now resistance
*SUP 1: 132.403 21-DMA
*SUP 2: 132.340 Hourly support Dec 5
*SUP 3: 132.250 Low Dec 4
*SUP 4: 132.215 55-DMA
*COMMENTARY: Hesitation ahead of last week's high resulted in a close below
132.520, easing bullish pressure and sees bears looking for a correction
initially targeting 132.215-250 where the 55-DMA is noted. A close below the
55-DMA then shift focus to 131.858-132.077 where the bull channel base and
100-DMA are situated. Bulls need a close above 132.74 to reconfirm a bullish
bias initially targeting the bull channel top.
SCHATZ TECHS: (H18) 112.190-240 Resistance Region Key
*RES 4: 112.270 Monthly high Sept 7 
*RES 3: 112.240 High Dec 7 
*RES 2: 112.190 High Dec 11 
*RES 1: 112.165 High Dec 12
*SUP 1: 112.128 21-DMA 
*SUP 2: 112.105 55-DMA 
*SUP 3: 112.095 100-WMA 
*SUP 4: 112.025 Monthly Lows Oct 26 & Nov 30
*COMMENTARY: Bulls have failed to gain traction above 112.185 with the bearish
closes Friday and Monday easing bullish pressure and shifting initial focus to
key DMAs. Bears continue to look for a close below the 55-DMA to confirm
immediate pressure back on the double daily bottom at 112.025. Bulls still need
a close above 112.190 to ease bearish pressure and above 112.240 to reconfirm
focus on 112.270-325.
GILT TECHS: (H18) Bollinger Top Limiting Follow Through
*RES 4: 126.00 Low Sept 13 now resistance 
*RES 3: 125.58 Daily Bull channel top 
*RES 2: 125.21 High Sept 15 
*RES 1: 125.08 High Dec 11
*SUP 1: 124.50 Hourly resistance Dec 11 now support 
*SUP 2: 124.22 Alternating hourly support/resistance 
*SUP 3: 123.71 55-DMA 
*SUP 4: 123.62 Low Dec 8
*COMMENTARY: The recovery from Friday's dip below the 55-DMA resulted in fresh
3mth highs Tuesday with bulls focused on 125.21-58 where the daily bull channel
top is situated. The Bollinger top (124.98) remains a concern for bulls &
continues to limit follow through. Layers of support in place see bears needing
a close below 124.22 to ease bullish pressure and return focus to 123.62-67
where the 55-DMA and last week's low are found.
SHORT-STERLING TECHS: (H18) 99.390-410 Support Region Now Key
*RES 4: 99.485 200-DMA
*RES 3: 99.450 Low Sept 13 now resistance
*RES 2: 99.437 100-DMA
*RES 1: 99.430 Highs Dec 11 & 12
*SUP 1: 99.410 Repeated Daily highs now support
*SUP 2: 99.390 Lows Dec 5 & 8
*SUP 3: 99.370 Low Nov 3, 28 & 29
*SUP 4: 99.366 55-DMA
*COMMENTARY: Sideways trading 99.370-410 came to an end Friday with a break
higher although hesitation ahead of the 100-DMA is less than ideal. In saying
that, bulls focus on 99.437-450 where the 100-DMA is situated. Support layers
are building with bears needing a close below 99.390 to confirm a break of the
21-DMA (99.397) and shift focus back to 99.350-370 where the 55-DMA is located.
EURIBOR TECHS: (M18) 100.320-325 Resistance Remains Key
*RES 4: 100.380 - Low Sept 27 2016 now resistance 
*RES 3: 100.340 - High Oct 10 2016 
*RES 2: 100.325 - High Oct 19 2016 
*RES 1: 100.320 - Monthly Highs Oct & Nov
*SUP 1: 100.310 - Low Dec 12
*SUP 2: 100.307 - 55-DMA
*SUP 3: 100.305 - Lows Dec 4 & 5
*SUP 4: 100.295 - Low Dec 1
*COMMENTARY: Despite pressure returning to the 100.320 resistance, bulls have so
far failed to produce the close above 100.325 needed to shift focus to
100.340-380 last seen in Sept/Oct 2016. The dip below the 21-DMA (100.313)
lacked follow through with bears now needing a close below 100.305 to ease
bullish pressure and shift initial focus to 100.295-296 where the 100-DMA is
US 10-YR FUTURE TECHS: (H18) 123-27 Support Remains Key
*RES 4: 124-21+ 55-DMA 
*RES 3: 124-17+ High Dec 11 
*RES 2: 124-11  High Dec 12 
*RES 1: 124-06  Hourly resistance Dec 12
*PRICE: 124-04+ @ 0530GMT
*SUP 1: 124-00  Low Dec 12
*SUP 2: 123-29+ Monthly Low Nov 30
*SUP 3: 123-27  Lows Oct 25 & 27
*SUP 4: 123-06+ Daily Bear channel base
*COMMENTARY: Bears take comfort in continued topside failures ahead of the
55-DMA and bear channel top. The sell-off Thursday left the contract looking
heavy with focus having returned to 123-27/29+ where monthly lows are noted.
Below 123-27 remains needed to target the bear channel base (123-06+). Bulls now
look for a close above 124-11 to gain breathing room and above the bear channel
top (124-24+) to initially pressure 125-00.
US 10-YR YIELD TECHS: 2.437 Resistance Key This Week
*RES 4: 2.539 - LT Weekly Bear channel top (off 2014 High) 
*RES 3: 2.477 - Monthly High Oct 27 
*RES 2: 2.437 - High Nov 30 
*RES 1: 2.424 - High Dec 1
*PRICE: 2.401 @ 0530GMT
*SUP 1: 2.395 - High Dec 12 now support 
*SUP 2: 2.376 - Hourly resistance Dec 11 now support 
*SUP 3: 2.351 - Hourly resistance Dec 7 now support 
*SUP 4: 2.303 - 200-DMA
*COMMENTARY: The yield found support last week ahead of the 200-DMA and key
2.273-2.303 support region where the 100-DMA and 21-WMA are also noted. The
close above Wednesday's high (2.363) eased bearish pressure and sees focus back
on the 2.437 resistance. Bulls need a close above this level to return pressure
to 2.477 Oct highs with a close above then targeting 2017 highs. Bears need a
close below 2.351 to pressure the 200-DMA.
EUROSTOXX50 TECHS: 3497.29 & 3642.10 Levels Remain Key 
*RES 4: 3670.47 Low Nov 6 now resistance 
*RES 3: 3642.10 Low Nov 8 now resistance 
*RES 2: 3620.01 High Nov 10 
*RES 1: 3600.96 55-DMA
*SUP 1: 3569.59 21-DMA 
*SUP 2: 3558.50 Low Dec 7 
*SUP 3: 3547.56 Hourly resistance Dec 6 now support 
*SUP 4: 3529.62 200-DMA
*COMMENTARY: Support continued to emerge on dips back towards the 200-DMA and
weekly bull channel base (3526.37) last week although follow through remains
lacking above the 55-DMA (3598.79). Bulls need a close above 3642.10 to confirm
traction above the bear channel top (3596.55) and 55-DMA, initially targeting
2017 highs. Below 3497.29 is needed to confirm a break of the 200-DMA and the
weekly bull channel base, with below 3467.78 to target 3363.68-3397.27.
--MNI Beijing Bureau; tel: +44 207-862-7435; email:

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