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MNI INTERVIEW: RBNZ's Single Price Focus To Stall Rate Cuts

(MNI) Melbourne

MNI talks to former RBNZ board member Suzanne Snively.

The Reserve Bank of New Zealand’s sharpened focus on price stability will make it less inclined to lower rates and slower to react as the economy decelerates faster than expected, in part due to government spending cuts, a former RBNZ board member told MNI.

“The bank is doing its job – [the RBNZ] has been very focused, it's doing what it is being asked to do by the government,” said Suzanne Snively, stressing that the new centre-right government had given Governor Adrian Orr and the Monetary Policy Committee a clear remit to control inflation when it removed the employment goal from the RBNZ’s mandate in late 2023.

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The Reserve Bank of New Zealand’s sharpened focus on price stability will make it less inclined to lower rates and slower to react as the economy decelerates faster than expected, in part due to government spending cuts, a former RBNZ board member told MNI.

“The bank is doing its job – [the RBNZ] has been very focused, it's doing what it is being asked to do by the government,” said Suzanne Snively, stressing that the new centre-right government had given Governor Adrian Orr and the Monetary Policy Committee a clear remit to control inflation when it removed the employment goal from the RBNZ’s mandate in late 2023.

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