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PM Theresa May and Labour Leader.......>

GILT SUMMARY: PM Theresa May and Labour Leader Jeremy Corbyn have resumed
discussions over breaking the Brexit deadlock. 
- Government spokesman James Slack has stated that votes on Brexit options after
the EU summit have not been ruled out.
- Further exacerbating the split in cabinet, Chancellor of the Exchequer Philip
Hammond has indicated that it would be reasonable for parliament to vote on
holding a second referendum. 
- Gilts opened stronger this morning, but have subsequently traded sideways.
Yields are 1-3bp lower on the day. Current yield levels: 2-year 0.679%, 5-year
0.817%, 10-year 1.072%, 30-year 1.606%. 
- The Jun-19 gilt future trades at 128.47 and near the highs of the day.
- Short sterling futures are broadly flat/0.5 ticks lower in whites/reds/greens.
- Next up on the data calendar will be the Halifax House Price series for March,
which will be published tomorrow. 

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