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There wasn't much change in EGB.........>

EGB SUMMARY: There wasn't much change in EGB prices at the open, just the (by
now) usual bid to the periphery. However, weak French CPI data, a risk-off
opening for the equity market and talk of early month-end duration extensions
set the market squeezing higher.
- At 1000GMT, the Eurozone CPI data printed in line with the screen consensus,
which sent the market lower because the earlier weak French data had threatened
a lower print.
- Germany suffered weak demand for the 10Y Bund auction, which was technically
uncovered but the market has become used to such news and no longer takes this
as a signal of potential demand.
- As Europe moved into the afternoon, Gilts rallied on the back of the EU Brexit
text and took EGBs with them. Month-end extension flows added to bullishness. 
- Currently, the 10Y Bund yield is 1.6bp lower at 0.663% with a small
outperformance of the belly. Peripheral spreads are little changed but
long-dated France performed strongly ahead of Thursday's supply.
- Slovenia is sold E1.25bln of 10Y, 15Y and 30Y taps via syndication. 

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