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US Data: N. American-made Ex-GM, Ford Vehicle Sales, Final

Release for:  March 2019
Source: Industry reports of monthly sales                               
Unadj percent changes calculated on a daily sales rate basis            
Market share based on actual sales for previous 12 months               
The Unadj Total line is based only on sales to that point.              
The Projected Unadj, Seas Adj Total, SAAR and                           
  pct change calculations account for partial reporting.                
Annual rate approximations calculated by MNI                            
 using Commerce Department seasonal adjustment factors applied          
 to industry raw data.                                                  
Selling days this month: 27 
Selling days last month: 24
Selling days last year:  28
                                                          Daily Rate  Daily Rate
Cars                    MktShare  Mar-19  Feb-19  Mar-18   m/m % chg   y/y % chg
Fiat-Chrysler               7.92   19938   13284   24552        33.4       -15.8
Honda                      23.11   57408   41205   58735        23.8         1.4
Nissan                     21.12   64548   44856   66096        27.9         1.3
Toyota                     27.93   64591   58496   72973        -1.8        -8.2
Hyundai                     7.49   15866   10304   17323        36.9        -5.0
Subaru                      1.51    3133    2683    3889         3.8       -16.5
Volkswagen                  5.94   13894   10663   11578        15.8        24.4
BMW                         0.00     201       0       0          NA          NA
Kia                         4.97   12017    9034   10157        18.2        22.7
Final NSA Total                   251596  190525  265303        17.4        -1.7
Seas Adj Total                    214563  200997  219005         6.7        -2.0
SAAR                                2.57    2.41    2.63
Percent reporting                 100.00  100.00  100.00
                                                          Daily Rate  Daily Rate
Light Trucks:           MktShare  Mar-19  Feb-19  Mar-18   m/m % chg   y/y % chg
Fiat-Chrysler              40.75  180369  124846  191511        28.4        -2.3
Honda                      17.44   74131   56486   74759        16.7         2.8
Nissan**                   10.30   49033   37194   50343        17.2         1.0
Toyota                     19.01   85026   56363   83775        34.1         5.3
Mercedes                    1.31    4619    4149    6547        -1.0       -26.8
Mitsubishi                  0.75    5309    3099    4674        52.3        17.8
BMW                         2.40   14596    7228   10663        79.5        42.0
Kia                         2.18    9507    6726    8027        25.6        22.8
Hyundai                     2.36   10929    7832   11401        24.0        -0.6
Subaru                      3.51   18539   10941   16822        50.6        14.3
Final NSA Total                   452058  314864  458522        27.6         2.2
Seas Adj Total                    422287  343963  411784        22.8         2.6
SAAR                                5.07    4.13    4.94
Percent reporting                 100.00  100.00  100.00
**Includes Infinity
--MNI Washington Bureau; tel: +1 202-371-2121; email:

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