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US ELECTIONS: Final Electoral College Projections Highlight Lack Of Consensus


Final electoral college projections from pollsters, betting markets, and news outlets by-and-large show the contest as too close to call, with 13 of those listed below having the tipping point of victory (270 EC votes) being within the 'toss-up' category of states.

  • The five outlets stripping out toss-ups (, Split Ticket, Elections Daily, Cnalysis, and Sabato's Crystal Ball) all have Democratic candidate Kamala Harris winning the election.
  • Betting market Polymarket, which has Nevada as a toss-up, projects Donald Trump winning the electoral college. 

Chart 1. Electoral College Projections

Source: MNI. Pollster/betting site/outlet is listed next to each projection alongside the date of the last update to their projection. 

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