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(1/3): Below are some condensed sell-side.......>

FED: (1/3): Below are some condensed sell-side previews (in alphabetical order)
for the meeting minutes of the FOMC's decidedly dovish March 19-20 meeting
(released at 1400ET/1800GMT): 
- Barclays: Expect minutes to highlight concerns about downside risks to the
economic outlook, and signal that rates are on hold.
- Deutsche: Minutes to shed light on what sets of conditions compel the Fed to
shift from its decidedly neutral policy stance - in either direction.
- ING: The narrative surrounding the removal of the two projected 2019 hikes may
give clues as to what it may take to deviate from the current `patient` stance.
- Nomura (1): Expect minutes to reinforce message of being `on hold`. May learn
something about how FOMC sees the balance of risks and what it would take to
either lower or raise rates. Expect minutes to reinforce the point that an
acceleration of core inflation is likely to be important for further hikes.
- Nomura(2): We expect the full February survey of senior financial officers to
be released, with clues on minimum reserves and other issues.

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