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After a risk-off start to the day,......>

EGB SUMMARY: After a risk-off start to the day, helped by further Brexit
uncertainty and North Korean headlines, Bunds have traded sideways in the
afternoon session.
- ECB headlines have been more muted today with the main comments from Villeroy
who has said that a no deal Brexit is not fully priced in and could lead to
market turmoil.
- Bund futures are up 0.37 on the day at 166.03. 10y Bunds yields are down 2.0bp
to -0.048% with Schatz yields down 0.9bp at -0.617%.
- BTPs have underperformed following comments from Conte that the budget would
be expansive with Juncker commenting later that he says worried that the Italian
economy continues to regress. 10y BTP-Bund spreads are 5.1bp wider on the day at
- GGBs have marginally outperformed following reports that Greece planned to pay
back some of its IMF aid ahead of schedule. Most peripheral spreads are within a
basis point of yday's close.
- The Euribor strip has flattened and moved higher with Greens/Blues up 2 ticks.

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