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BMO's Ian Lyngen said next week, the US.....>

US VIEW: BMO's Ian Lyngen said next week, the US economic "fundamental data will
once again take a backseat to politics as the Russia probe comes back into focus
and the Dec. 8th continuing resolution (CR) (debt limit) expiration quickly
approaches. The current House proposal offers nothing more than a can-kicking
concession to extend the deadline for a broader budget agreement to December
22nd and even that might prove challenging to get through the Senate."
- He adds that "whether the political brinkmanship brings about a partial
government shutdown before a budget deal is reached is an open question, but we
think the odds are better than even that we see a 'social' shutdown, in which no
major disruptions occur and the market is content to dismiss the hiccup as
politics as usual. After all, we haven't heard much from the White House on
immigration reforms or funding the wall on the US/Mexico border in a while."

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