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BOC Still Sees QT Ending In 2025, Defends QE Policies

  • BoC Deputy Governor Sharon Kozicki defends QE in speech in Ottawa this Thursday, saying "the unwinding of QE through QT has gone smoothly." Politicians have targeted the Bank for its policy decisions. 
  • "If inflation continues to ease—and our confidence that inflation is headed sustainably to the 2% target continues to increase—it is reasonable to expect further cuts."
  • "The bar for us to use QE again is very high."
  • Kozicki maintained that the BoC expects to end QT "sometime in 2025," but did not mention the settlement balance target used in previous speeches.
  • BoC to publish a report by external experts reviewing its pandemic policies early next year. 
  • "Higher interest rates have worked, inflation is now below 3% and we are seeing more signs that underlying price pressures are easing."

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