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Cable Pares Losses After UK PM Loses..........>

FOREX: Cable Pares Losses After UK PM Loses Crucial Brexit Vote
-GBPUSD fell below 1.27 to session lows as markets looked to offload exposure
ahead of the Brexit vote which was expected to go against the PM comfortably and
therefore increasing uncertainty around Brexit. Cable then spiked just before
the US Close on "*U.K.'S MAY LOSES VOTE ON BREXIT DEAL BY 230 VOTES"-bbg. Cable
remains down on the day currently, GBP -0.0047, 1.2817
-DXY spiked this morning on ECB President Draghi's comments at European
Parliament as economic developments have been weaker than expected. Has since
pared some of those gains into the close
-EURUSD remains below 1.14 heading into the close as bears look for a close
below the 50-dma at 1.1382, which would then shift focus to the ytd low at
-AUSUSD sits just below the 50-dma/55-dma of 0.7187, with bulls looking for a
close above the support level and bears looking for a move below the 100-dma of

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