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Cagdas Aksu at Barclays recommends staying.....>

EGBS: Cagdas Aksu at Barclays recommends staying short 5Y on a EUR swap 2-5-10Y
- The fly remains directional and should remain so.
- Barclays sees the average the average maturity of Bundesbank purchases
gradually increasing, keeping flattening pressure 5Y+.
- Divergence of views among ECB board member should price in more term premium
and push 2 to 5Y steeper.
- Aksu adds "the carry profile of the trade is also less punitive than outright
flatteners at the back end of the EUR curve (ie, 10s/30s), which should also do
well in a belly-led sell-off correction."
- Barclays also recommend staying short France vs OIS. Last week Barclays say
there was a short squeeze that helped OATs outperform but "the market currently
feels cleaner in its positioning in France. This, together with expensive
valuations, next year's heavy net issuance pipeline and the broad expensiveness
of German ASWs, makes us continue hold onto our short 10y France versus EONIA

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