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Core EGBs have picked up a bid as.......>

EGB SUMMARY: Core EGBs have picked up a bid as equities have retreated Tuesday
afternoon, while Italian BTPs have soared in later trading.
- BBG reported that Italy`s government has lowered its 2019 GDP growth forecast
to 0.1% from 1.0% and raised its deficit target to 2.4% of GDP from 2.0%.
- This news (around 1310UK) appeared largely priced in due to prior media leaks.
- Ultimately, BTP Jun futures soared at 1530UK, hearing from market source of
300m buyer of 10Yr. Last up 60 ticks at 130.17, having traded up to 130.23.
- Jun Bund futures (RX) up 15 ticks at 165.51 (L: 165.11 / H: 165.64),
strengthening amid mid afternoon equity weakness.
- OAT futures up 22 ticks at 162.26. 
- Euribor strip fairly flat, Blues up 1-1.5 ticks.
- ECB meeting takes centre stage Wednesday - see our full Preview which was out
- Wednesday should prove more exciting: apart from the ECB decision, govvy
supply maintains its pace with up to E5bln total on offer, with Germany selling
Bobl, Portugal selling PGBs, and Finland selling RFGBs.

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