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*** Data/speaker calendar (prior,...........>

OUTLOOK: *** Data/speaker calendar (prior, estimate): 
- Jan 18 13-Jan jobless claims (261k, 250k) 0830ET
- Jan 18 Dec housing starts (1.297m, 1.275M) 0830ET
- Jan 18 Dec building permits (1.303m, 1.283m) 0830ET
- Jan 18 Jan Philadelphia Fed Mfg Index (27.9, 25.0) 0830ET
- Jan 18 14-Jan Bloomberg comfort index 0945ET
- Jan 18 12-Jan natural gas stocks w/w (-359Bcf, --) 1030ET
- Jan 18 Tsy annc next weeks 2Y FRN, 2- 5- and 7Y note auction size, 1100ET
- Jan 18 12-Jan crude oil stocks ex. SPR w/w (-4.95m bbl, --) 1100ET
- Jan 18 $13B 10Y TIPS new issue auction 1300ET
- Jan 18 17-Jan Fed weekly securities holdings 1630ET
- Jan 18 Clev Fed Mester on mon/pol at Cncl Economic Education's Economists on
the Economy, NY Q$A, 1805ET

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