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Easy central bank policy helped the yellow.....>

GOLD: Easy central bank policy helped the yellow metal continue to move higher
and begin to challenge the 50-dma and at present trades at $1307.65/oz, down
around half a dollar since the close.
- The moves began following a more dovish than expected ECB meeting where the
opening statement included a sentence that said that the ECB are looking into
ways to mitigate the impacts of negative rates on the banking system. This was a
nod towards tiering and its prominence in the press conference was key - most
had expected tiering to be discussed during the Q&A but the mention in the
opening statement was a surprise. Gold moves around $8/oz higher ahead of the
FOMC Minutes which were largely as expected.
- Gold closed on the 50-dma ($1307.47) with the uptrend extending through Asia
to $1309.31. This brings down trendline resistance off the Feb 20 high into view
at $1311.91, ahead of the Mar 28 high at $1312.35.

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