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Eur/Usd: Europe open $1.1927, range....>

EURO SUMMARY: Eur/Usd: Europe open $1.1927, range $1.1884-1.1940, NY open
$1.1898, range $1.1851-1.1935
*Moved through $1.1900 to fresh session lows of $1.1884 just ahead of NY. Strong
demand for Jpy across the board seen driving the pair.
*The pair bounced sharply off the lows back towards $1.1900, where the rate
settled into the NY open.
*A fresh wave of dollar demand as US Tsys Yields firmed and dollar yen
spiked, witnessed the rate fall to fresh intra-day lows of $1.1882.
*Pressure on eur/cad following the release of strong Canadian Data,
eur/usd followed suit, dropping to fresh session lows of $1.1863.
*A risk off tone witnessed the dollar lose ground across the board
in reaction to Flynn potentially testifying against President Trump and pleading
guilty to lying to the FBI over Russia probe. The rate  spiked to $1.1935.
*The dollar received a lift, as Republicans say they have the votes to
pass tax bill, the rate has dropped towards $1.1895. However there has no clear
signal on when or if the vote will take place today.

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