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Euro area unemployment (Mar)....>

EUROPE DATA PREVIEW: Euro area unemployment (Mar) Preview - 1000BST
- Market expects the unemployment rate to remain unchanged
- Bloomberg Consensus and MNI Median: 7.8 (vs Feb 7.8%)
- The unemployment rate has exhibited a downward trend since Aug 2018
- Jan's reading of 7.8% was the lowest rate since Oct 2008 and remains far below
the 9.5% long-term average
- The unemployment rate fell over the year in all EA19 member states except for
Malta (where it remained stable).
- Germany currently has the lowest EA19 unemployment rate (3.2%), whereas Greece
has the highest (18.5%).
- The resilience of the Eurozone labour market remains a key source of support
in an economy that continues to face a number of external headwinds.

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