November 27, 2024 06:51 GMT
Italy looks to hold another conventional auction and Finland an ORI auction this week while Belgium has books open for a retail-only Bons d’Etat. Italy has already held a Specialist tap and a conventional auction this week whilst the EU and Germany have held auctions.We pencil in estimated gross issuance for the week at E22.3bln, down from E34.8bln last week.
- Tomorrow, Italy will return to the market to hold a 5/9/10-year BTP and CCTeu auction. On offer will be E2.75-3.25bln of the on-the-run 5-year 3.00% Oct-29 BTP (ISIN: IT0005611055), E1.0-1.5bln of the 2.45% Sep-33 BTP (ISIN: IT0005240350), E1.75-2.00bln of the on-the-run 10-year 3.85% Feb-35 BTP (ISIN: IT0005607970) and E1.0-1.5bln of the 1.05% Apr-32 CCTeu (ISIN: IT0005594467).
- Also tomorrow, Finland will hold an ORI operation to sell up to E0.4bln. Details will be announced today.
- Through the week (25 Nov – 3 Dec), Belgium will have books open for a retail-only Bons d’Etat. On offer will be a 1 -year 2.20% Dec-25 issue and an 8-year 2.80% Dec-32 issue.
For more on this week's issuance and a look ahead to next week see the PDF here: EZ241127.pdf
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