January 16, 2025 10:25 GMT
- WNG €500m 8.9Y IPT MS+135a vs. FV +98 (-37)
- CoC, 3m par call. UoP is left open, it has single £400m due this year. Maturities are spread out.
- Closest comp is Relx - FV is skewed tighter to Relx 33s due to Experian 34s (both '24 issuances).
- Edenred/Rentokil are included as examples for the pickup available in equal to lower rated services. Other names include Elis/Pluxee.
- Despite headquarters, it is US skewed (2/3 of business) and Europe light (near non-existent).
- B2B is 73% of business, no single customer >1%, most skewed to financial services (39%).
- Most of its services within B2B is in "data" (52% of group) - see below.
- Stock hit an all-time high in 3Q last year.
- 3Q trading update (3m to Dec) was organic growth of +6%
- FY guidance unch for +6-8%. margin accretion of 30-50bp.
- It is smaller than peer services co's (€7b in rev's) but holds similar market position in data
- Strong history of consistent revenue growth and on high margins (EBIT 25-30%).
- ESG positive on BS governance; net 2-2.5x target range which it hasn't moved above this decade
- Re. recent news from US regulator, we see (small) fine as most likely (as was the result last time it had issues); https://mni.marketnews.com/3PA2swx
- Re. AI impact it seems more a tool for it more than a threat (for now). €1.5b+/yr in operating cash flows paired with sensible equity payouts gives it headroom to invest in technology/threats.
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