December 20, 2024 15:20 GMT
TRANSPORTATION: FedEx (FDX: Baa2/BBB): Freight Separation
FedEx have announced its intention to separate Freight into a stand-alone public company
- Freight accounts for 12% of revenue ($9.4bn) and around 32% of EBIT
- Margins in Freight run at about 19% vs 5.2% for the rest of the business
- The freight spin-off will take place "within the next 18 months"
- We do not see anything in the bond docs that would be triggered by this
- Freight has had a dramatic turnaround in the past few years with margins doubled over the past 5yrs and a decade ago margins were close to zero.
- Each company will be "well capitalized, with flexibility to invest" would imply that bondholders will not be adversely affected
- Bonds largely unchanged today
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