January 17, 2025 15:04 GMT
POWER: Finnish Regulator Rejects Unjustified Changes to Flow-Based Calculations
The Finnish Energy Authority has criticised Norway’s Statnett for making unjustified and uncoordinated changes to the Nordic flow-based capacity calculation method, warning that such actions undermine market transparency and disrupt electricity price stability, the authority said.
- The Energy Authority is concerned about the quick and opaque changes made by Norwegian transmission system operator Statnett to the starting values of the flow-based calculation on 21 December.
- Authority believes the changes could result in more frequent, unforeseen adjustments, complicating market participant preparedness.
- And that TSOs should ensure changes are coordinated, justified, and communicated in advance to market participants.
- The Finnish body does not have the authority to intervene in the operations of other Nordic TSOs but will discuss the matter with other regulatory bodies.
- On 21 December 2024, Statnett’s change altered the FRM (Flow Reliability Margin) values used in the calculation, which impacts electricity market prices. The move was due to reliability concerns.
- The TSO initially informed regulators of its intention to change these values in October 2024 but delayed the decision before introducing the new method in November.
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