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France Data: Real GDP Q/Q EUR Levels

Release for: Second Quarter 2017(final)
Source: French National Statistical Agency, INSEE
In billions of Euro
Data are seasonally and calendar adjusted
                                       3Q16    4Q16    1Q17    2Q17
Total Gross Domestic Product         529.74  532.47  535.31  538.22
Q/Q Pct Chg                             0.2     0.5     0.5     0.5
Imports                              177.57  179.01  181.12  181.64
Q/Q Pct Chg                             2.7     0.8     1.2     0.3
Household consumption                283.67  285.45  285.62  286.48
Q/Q Pct Chg                            -0.1     0.6     0.1     0.3
Final public sect. spending          128.84  129.22  129.58  130.12
Q/Q Pct Chg                             0.3     0.3     0.3     0.4
Public sector Consumption
transfers to individuals              84.95   85.16   85.49   85.82
Q/Q Pct Chg                             0.6     0.2     0.4     0.4
spending on collective services       43.92   44.09   44.13   44.33
Q/Q Pct Chg                            -0.1     0.4     0.1     0.5
Consumption of non-profit
institutions serving households       10.84   10.87   10.90   10.93
Q/Q Pct Chg                             0.2     0.3     0.3     0.3
Gross fixed capital formation        116.10  116.89  118.55  119.66
Q/Q Pct Chg                             0.3     0.7     1.4     0.9
Businesses                            65.74   66.25   67.61   68.31
Q/Q Pct Chg                             0.1     0.8     2.1     1.0
Households                            25.75   26.09   26.48   26.81
Q/Q Pct Chg                             1.1     1.3     1.5     1.2
Public administration                 18.36   18.24   18.10   18.13
Q/Q Pct Chg                            -0.6    -0.6    -0.8     0.2
Variation in stocks
(in billion of euros)                   0.7    -0.1     0.7    -0.5
Q/Q Pct Chg
Exports                              159.53  161.38  160.12  164.03
Q/Q Pct Chg                             0.9     1.2    -0.8     2.4

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