February 28, 2025 07:45 GMT
EUROPEAN INFLATION: France Inflation Surprises 2 Tenths to the Downside
- HICP surprised by 2 tenths to the downside at 0.90% Y/Y (1.1% consensus, 1.83% prior), with the M/M figure coming in at +0.02% (0.2% consensus, -0.16% prior).
- The national CPI (non-HICP) also surprised to the downside by just over 2 tenths at 0.75% - which rounded up to 0.8% to 1dp (1.0%Y/Y consensus, 1.65%Y/Y). M/M this was -0.02% (0.2%M/M consensus, 0.16%Y/Y).
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