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FRANCE: RN PM Candidate Says No Long-Range Missiles For Ukraine


Jordan Bardella, president of the right-wing National Rally (Rassemblement National, RN) has said that if he were to become PM following the snap legislative elections, he would support Ukraine's right to defend itself against Russian invasion, but in a departure from French foreign policy of late, would not provide missiles capable ot striking into the Russian Federation. There has been significant focus on the impact of a RN gov't on France's fiscal and debt dynamics, but a majority RN administration under Bardella could also have a significant influence on the country's foreign policy objectives. 

  • Bardella: "I wish for Ukraine to have at disposal the ammunition and equipment it needs to hold the front, but my red line will not change, which is sending equipment that could have consequences of escalation in eastern Europe," 
  • While the broad sweep of foreign policy is largely down to the discretion of the president, the National Assembly's control over signing off on gov't finances means that any plans to boost support to Kyiv from President Emmanuel Macron would need backing from the RN gov't. 
  • Macron has been one of the most vocal supporters of increased Western action and support for Ukraine in recent months, even though France trails far behind Germany, the UK and Poland in the quantifiable materiel  t has sent to Kyiv since the start of the war. 
  • Bardella's other comments, claiming that he would maintain France's NATO commitments and increase military spending run contrary to the RN's historic isolationist stance. 
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Jordan Bardella, president of the right-wing National Rally (Rassemblement National, RN) has said that if he were to become PM following the snap legislative elections, he would support Ukraine's right to defend itself against Russian invasion, but in a departure from French foreign policy of late, would not provide missiles capable ot striking into the Russian Federation. There has been significant focus on the impact of a RN gov't on France's fiscal and debt dynamics, but a majority RN administration under Bardella could also have a significant influence on the country's foreign policy objectives. 

  • Bardella: "I wish for Ukraine to have at disposal the ammunition and equipment it needs to hold the front, but my red line will not change, which is sending equipment that could have consequences of escalation in eastern Europe," 
  • While the broad sweep of foreign policy is largely down to the discretion of the president, the National Assembly's control over signing off on gov't finances means that any plans to boost support to Kyiv from President Emmanuel Macron would need backing from the RN gov't. 
  • Macron has been one of the most vocal supporters of increased Western action and support for Ukraine in recent months, even though France trails far behind Germany, the UK and Poland in the quantifiable materiel  t has sent to Kyiv since the start of the war. 
  • Bardella's other comments, claiming that he would maintain France's NATO commitments and increase military spending run contrary to the RN's historic isolationist stance.