August 13, 2024 14:07 GMT
French-Italy CBC Jao Auction Allocated Capacity Falls to 3-Month Low
Allocated capacity on the Jao monthly CBC auction for delivery in September in the French-Italian direction dropped to its lowest since June amid French TSO warning of curtailments of power exports from August until mid-October in late July.
- All of the 422MW of offered capacity in the France-Italy direction was allocated at €58.01/MWh.
- Last month, all 569MW of offered capacity in the France-Italy direction was allocated at €54.48/MWh for August delivery – this is also lower than 1.206GW allocated for July.
- In the other direction, all of the 194MW of offered capacity was allocated at €0.25/MWh
- For August delivery, 164MW of offered capacity was also allocated at €0.25/MWh.
- The French September power base-load contract stood at a €60.35/MWh discount to the Italian equivalent at the time of writing.
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