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Funds Reduce TTF Net Long Positions Slightly in Week to May 17


GAS POSITIONING - Investment fund net long positioning in ICE TTF futures eased back from the most bullish since February 2022 according to the commitment of traders data for the week to May 17. The rise comes amid supply concern from LNG competition from Asia and supported by higher cooling demand next week and low wind generation in NW Europe.

  • TTF front month futures have rallied from a low of €29.15/MWh last week and €22.513/MWh on February to a high of €33.94Wh earlier today with added support in recent weeks from Norwegian and US LNG export supply outages as well as geopolitical risks.
    • Investment Firm net position fell by 14.44m to -104.18m
    • Investment Funds net position fell by 11.66m to +91.55m
    • Commercial Undertaking net position increased by 9.53m to 14.99m

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GAS POSITIONING - Investment fund net long positioning in ICE TTF futures eased back from the most bullish since February 2022 according to the commitment of traders data for the week to May 17. The rise comes amid supply concern from LNG competition from Asia and supported by higher cooling demand next week and low wind generation in NW Europe.

  • TTF front month futures have rallied from a low of €29.15/MWh last week and €22.513/MWh on February to a high of €33.94Wh earlier today with added support in recent weeks from Norwegian and US LNG export supply outages as well as geopolitical risks.
    • Investment Firm net position fell by 14.44m to -104.18m
    • Investment Funds net position fell by 11.66m to +91.55m
    • Commercial Undertaking net position increased by 9.53m to 14.99m

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