December 27, 2024 16:01 GMT
RENEWABLES: German Wind Output Forecast Comparison
See the latest German wind output forecast for base-load hours from SpotRenewables vs Bloomberg’s ECMWF model for the next seven days as of Friday afternoon.
- Both models have similar wind forecasts on 28-30 December and 1 January, with the smallest deviations on those days. Wind estimates are most similar on 1 January at only a 0.09GW difference.
- The largest deviations are seen on 2-3 January as SpotRenewables estimates wind to begin to decline from 1 January to reach as low as 17.26GW on 3 January, while ECMWF estimates wind to increase further and reach as high as 46.8-50.2GW on 2-3 January.
Despite these differences, both models show a general trend of increasing wind from 28-29 December and climbing towards the middle of next week.
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