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Global Data Calendar

--Rating: *** most market sensitive, * least market sensitive
Date   GMT /Local                                             Prior  Est.
08-Dec     -     *** Nov    CN exports y/y                      6.9   6.0   %
08-Dec     -     *** Nov    CN trade balance                   38.2  36.5 b USD
08-Dec     -     *** Nov    CN imports y/y                     17.2  11.0   %
08-Dec 0030/1130 *** Oct    AU Housing finance m/m             -2.3  -2.8   %
08-Dec 0700/0800 *   Q3     DE labour costs q/q                 0.3    --   %
08-Dec 0700/0800 *   Q3     DE labour costs y/y wda             2.3    --   %
08-Dec 0700/0800 **  Oct    DE trade balance m/m               21.8    -- b E
08-Dec 0700/0800 **  Oct    DE trade balance imports m/m       -1.0    --   %
08-Dec 0700/0800 **  Oct    DE trade balance exports m/m       -0.4    --   %
08-Dec 0745/0845 *   Oct    FR industrial production m/m        0.6    --   %
08-Dec 0745/0845 *   Oct    FR industrial production y/y        3.2    --   %
08-Dec 0930/0930 **  Oct    UK construction output m/m           --    --   %
08-Dec 0930/0930 **  Oct    UK construction output y/y           --    --   %
08-Dec 1315/0815 **  Nov    CA CMHC housing starts            222.8 215.0 k 
08-Dec 1330/0830 *** Nov    US nonfarm payrolls                 261   200 k 
08-Dec 1330/0830 *** Nov    US private payrolls                 252   194 k 
08-Dec 1330/0830 *** Nov    US unemployment rate                4.1   4.1   %
08-Dec 1330/0830 *** Nov    US average hourly earnings          0.0   0.3   %
08-Dec 1330/0830 *** Nov    US average workweek, all workers   34.4  34.4   hrs
08-Dec 1330/0830 **  Q3     CA Industrial Capacity Use Rate    85.0    --   %
08-Dec 1500/1000 **  Oct    US wholesale inventories            0.3    --   %
08-Dec 1500/1000 **  Oct    US wholesale sales                  1.3    --   %
08-Dec 1500/1000 *** Dec    US Michigan sentiment index (p)    98.5  99.0
08-Dec 1600/1100 **  Q4     US St. Louis Fed Real GDP Nowcast +3.11    --   %
08-Dec 1615/1115 **  Q4     US NY Fed GDP Nowcast               3.9    --   %
09-Dec 0130/0930 *** Nov    CN CPI y/y                          1.9   1.8   %
09-Dec 0130/0930 *** Nov    CN PPI y/y                          6.9   5.8   %
11-Dec     -     *** Nov    CN M2 ytd y/y (date tba)            8.8   8.9   %
11-Dec     -     *** Nov    CN new loans (date tba)           663.2 800.0 t CNY
11-Dec     -     *** Nov    CN social financing (date tba)     1.04  1.29 t CNY
11-Dec 2145/1045 **  Nov    NZ Electronic card transactions      --    --   %
11-Dec 0730/0830 **  Nov    FR BOF Manufacturing Sentiment    106.0    --
11-Dec 0730/0830 **  Nov    FR BOF Services Sentiment Index   102.0    --
11-Dec 0900/1000 *   Oct    IT retail sales m/m                 0.9    --   %
11-Dec 0900/1000 *   Oct    IT retail sales y/y nsa             3.4    --   %
11-Dec 1100/1200 *   Oct    EU OECD Leading Indicator         100.2    --
11-Dec 1500/1000 **  Oct    US JOLTS job openings level        6093    -- k 
11-Dec 1500/1000 **  Oct    US JOLTS quits rate                 2.2    --   %
11-Dec 1500/1000 *   Nov    US ETI                            135.57   --
11-Dec 1600/1100 **  Dec    US NY Fed expectations survey        --    --
12-Dec     -     *** Nov    CN M2 ytd y/y (date tba)            8.8   8.9   %
12-Dec     -     *** Nov    CN new loans (date tba)           663.2 800.0 t CNY
12-Dec     -     *** Nov    CN social financing (date tba)     1.04  1.29 t CNY
12-Dec 2350/0850 *   Nov    JP Corp goods price index m/m      +0.3    --   %
12-Dec 2350/0850 *   Nov    JP CGPI y/y                        +3.4    --   %
12-Dec 0030/1130 *   Q3     AU House price index q/q             --    --   %
12-Dec 0030/1130 *   Q3     AU House price index y/y             --    --   %
12-Dec 0030/1130 **  Nov    AU NAB business confidence           +8    --
12-Dec 0030/1130 **  Nov    AU NAB business conditions          +21    --
12-Dec 0630/0730 **  Q3     FR non-farm payrolls q/q            0.2    --   %
12-Dec 0630/0730 **  Q3     FR non-farm payrolls y/y            1.3    --   %
12-Dec 0930/0930 *** Nov    UK CPI m/m                           --    --   %
12-Dec 0930/0930 *** Nov    UK CPI y/y                           --    --   %
12-Dec 0930/0930 *** Nov    UK core CPI y/y                      --    --   %
12-Dec 0930/0930 *** Nov    UK PPI output y/y                    --    --   %
12-Dec 0930/0930 *** Nov    UK PPI input y/y                     --    --   %
12-Dec 1000/1000 *   Nov    UK ONS House Price Index y/y         --    --   %
12-Dec 1000/1100 *** Dec    DE ZEW Current Expectations Index  18.7    --
12-Dec 1000/1100 *** Dec    DE ZEW Current Conditions Index    88.8    --
12-Dec 1100/0600 **  Nov    US NFIB Small Business Index      103.8    --
12-Dec 1330/0830 *** Nov    US Final Demand PPI                 0.4    --   %
12-Dec 1330/0830 *** Nov    US PPI ex. food and energy          0.4    --   %
12-Dec 1330/0830 *** Nov    US PPI ex. food, energy, trade      0.2    --   %
12-Dec 1355/0855 **  09-Dec US Redbook retail sales m/m        -0.9    --   %
12-Dec 1600/1100 **  Nov    US Kansas City Fed LMCI            0.52    --
12-Dec 1900/1400 **  Nov    US Treasury budget balance        -63.2    -- b USD
13-Dec     -     *** Nov    CN M2 ytd y/y (date tba)            8.8   8.9   %
13-Dec     -     *** Nov    CN new loans (date tba)           663.2 800.0 t CNY
13-Dec     -     *** Nov    CN social financing (date tba)     1.04  1.29 t CNY
13-Dec 2330/1030 **  Dec    AU Westpac-MI consumer sentiment   99.7    --
13-Dec 2350/0850 *   Oct    JP Machinery orders m/m            -8.1    --   %
13-Dec 0700/0800 *** Nov    DE HICP (f) m/m                     0.3    --   %
13-Dec 0700/0800 *** Nov    DE HICP (f) y/y                     1.8    --   %
13-Dec 0900/1000 *   Oct    IT industrial production m/m       -1.3    --   %
13-Dec 0900/1000 *   Oct    IT industrial production y/y wda    2.4    --   %
13-Dec 0930/0930 *** Oct    UK ILO unemployment rate             --    --   %
13-Dec 0930/0930 *** Oct    UK unemployment claimant count       --    -- k 
13-Dec 0930/0930 *** Oct    UK avg weekly earnings 3m/3m y/y     --    --   %
13-Dec 0930/0930 *** Oct    UK awe  inc bonus 3m/3m y/y          --    --   %
13-Dec 1000/1100 *   Q3     EU employment q/q                   0.4    --   %
13-Dec 1000/1100 *   Q3     EU employment y/y                   1.6    --   %
13-Dec 1000/1100 **  Oct    EU industrial production m/m       -0.6    --   %
13-Dec 1000/1100 **  Oct    EU industrial production y/y wda    3.3    --   %
13-Dec 1200/0700 **  08-Dec US MBA Mortgage Applications        4.7    --   %
13-Dec 1330/0830 *** Nov    US CPI                              0.1    --   %
13-Dec 1330/0830 *** Nov    US CPI Ex Food and Energy           0.2    --   %
13-Dec 1330/0830 *   Q3     CA Intl Investment Position       271.5    -- b CAD
13-Dec 1530/1030 **  08-Dec US crude oil stocks ex. SPR w/w    -5.6    -- m bbl
14-Dec     -     *   Nov    FR BOF retail trade q/q            -0.1    --   %
14-Dec 0000/1100 **  Dec    AU MI infla Expectation Trim Mean   3.7    --   %
14-Dec 0000/1100 **  Dec    AU MI infla Expectation Wt Mean     2.4    --   %
14-Dec 0030/1130 *** Nov    AU Unemployment rate                5.4    --   %
14-Dec 0030/1130 *** Nov    AU Employed persons m/m             3.7    -- k 
14-Dec 0030/1130 *** Nov    AU Labor participation rate        65.1    --   %
14-Dec 0200/1000 *** ytd    CN fixed-asset investment y/y       7.3   7.2   %
14-Dec 0200/1000 *** Nov    CN industrial output y/y            6.2   6.1   %
14-Dec 0200/1000 *** Nov    CN retail sales y/y                10.0  10.3   %
14-Dec 0700/0800 *   Nov    EU ACEA car registrations y/y       5.9    --   %
14-Dec 0745/0845 *** Nov    FR HICP (f) m/m                     0.1    --   %
14-Dec 0745/0845 *** Nov    FR HICP (f) y/y                     1.3    --   %
14-Dec 0800/0900 *** Nov    ES HICP (f) m/m                     0.3    --   %
14-Dec 0800/0900 *** Nov    ES HICP (f) y/y                     1.7    --   %
14-Dec 0800/0900 **  Dec    FR Markit Manufacturing PMI (p)    57.7    --
14-Dec 0800/0900 **  Dec    FR Markit Services PMI (p)         60.4    --
14-Dec 0830/0930 **  Dec    DE Markit Manufacturing PMI (p)    62.5    --
14-Dec 0830/0930 **  Dec    DE Markit Services PMI (p)         54.3    --
14-Dec 0830/0930 ***        CH SNB policy decision            -0.75    --
14-Dec 0900/1000 *** Nov    IT HICP (f) m/m                    -0.2    --   %
14-Dec 0900/1000 *** Nov    IT HICP (f) y/y                     1.1    --   %
14-Dec 0900/1000 **  Dec    EU Markit Manufacturing PMI (p)    60.1    --
14-Dec 0900/1000 **  Dec    EU Markit Services PMI (p)         56.2    --
14-Dec 0900/1000 **  Dec    EU Markit Composite PMI (p)        57.5    --
14-Dec 0930/0930 *** Nov    UK retail Sales m/m                  --    --   %
14-Dec 0930/0930 *** Nov    UK retail sales ex-fuel m/m          --    --   %
--MNI Washington Bureau; +1 202-371-2121; email:

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