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Hamas: Can't Agree To Deal W/out Israeli Position On Permt Ceasefire


Wires carrying comments from senior Hamas official, Osama Hamdan, stating at a press conference in Beirut, Lebanon: "We told mediators if there isn't a clear Israeli position on a permanent ceasefire and complete withdrawal from Gaza, we can't agree to a deal that doesn't secure that."

  • Hamdan: "We asked the mediators to get a clear Israeli position to commit to a permanent ceasefire and a complete withdrawal from Gaza."
  • Hamdan's comments add to a recent stalemate in negotiations towards a three-phase ceasefire and hostage exchange proposal outlined by US President Joe Biden on Friday.
  • Axios reports that the Biden adminisration is engaging in a "full court press" to get the ceasefire deal over the line with CIA Director Bill Burns and Biden's Middle East advisor Brett McGurk travelling to Doha and Cairo respectively tomorrow for discussions with the two key mediators.
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Wires carrying comments from senior Hamas official, Osama Hamdan, stating at a press conference in Beirut, Lebanon: "We told mediators if there isn't a clear Israeli position on a permanent ceasefire and complete withdrawal from Gaza, we can't agree to a deal that doesn't secure that."

  • Hamdan: "We asked the mediators to get a clear Israeli position to commit to a permanent ceasefire and a complete withdrawal from Gaza."
  • Hamdan's comments add to a recent stalemate in negotiations towards a three-phase ceasefire and hostage exchange proposal outlined by US President Joe Biden on Friday.
  • Axios reports that the Biden adminisration is engaging in a "full court press" to get the ceasefire deal over the line with CIA Director Bill Burns and Biden's Middle East advisor Brett McGurk travelling to Doha and Cairo respectively tomorrow for discussions with the two key mediators.