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*** Hectic end to the week -- and...>

US TSYS SUMMARY: *** Hectic end to the week -- and not due to tax bill vote in
Senate. Tsys gapped higher late morning after headlines annc'd Michael Flynn
agreed to cooperate w/prosecutors in Russia investigation. Late AM Tax vote
moves to procedural vote appr 1400ET.
- Rates had opened higher w/Gilts, initial mkt focus on tax bill vote. Long end
Tsys gapped higher (10Y yld 2.3136% low; 30Y yld 2.7155% low) as word of Flynn's
cooperation made the rounds (had been ann'c earlier Flynn plead guilty of lying
to FBI re: Russian contacts).
- Massive risk-off flow ensued, equity slide w/emini falling to 2605.0L
(-45.0!), gold surged to 1289.88 high while US$ fell as markets ignored Senate
tax vote to digest flurry of headlines Flynn to testify against Trump admin 
- Heavy buying, stops triggered on way up, curve flatteners/steepener unwinds
large Block buying in 10s. Calm slow to return w/Block sales as Tsys trimmed
gains, very choppy trade on heavy volume (TYH>2.75M). Heavy Block sale -28.5k
FVH early, cash sales 2s and 3s, multiple flatteners. Tsys continued to scale
back gains early in second half as focus turned back to Tax vote.

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