January 06, 2025 12:30 GMT
NATGAS: Henry Hub Rebounds on Cold Weather and Rising LNG Feedgas
Henry Hub front month is rebounding today from a low of $3.33/mmbtu on Jan. 3 with rising domestic demand boosted by cold weather and LNG export terminal feedgas flows up to record levels.
- Lower 48 natural gas demand is up to 118.75bcf/d today, according to Bloomberg and well above the previous five year average of around 100bcf/d for this time of year. The Lower 48 average temperatures are expected to remain below normal throughout the coming two weeks while the NOAA 6-14 forecast shows the biggest anomalies in the Lower Atlantic and Gulf Coast regions.
- US LNG export terminal feedgas is at a record high of 14.868bcf/d today, according to Bloomberg. The new US Plaquemines LNG export facility appears to have loaded its second LNG cargo on January 5 while feedgas has averaged of 0.63bcf/d since Jan. 3.
- US domestic natural gas production is estimated at 103.7bcf/d today, according to Bloomberg compared to an average of 103.7bcfd so far in January and a high of 106.9bcf/d in late December.
- Export flows to Mexico is 5.58bcf/d today, according to Bloomberg.
- Nymex Henry Hub daily aggregate traded futures was 514k on Jan. 3.
- US Natgas FEB 25 up 8.6% at 3.64$/mmbtu
- US Natgas MAR 25 up 5.1% at 3.1$/mmbtu
- US Natgas JAN 26 up 1.8% at 4.64$/mmbtu
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