January 07, 2025 18:21 GMT
NATGAS: Indiana Natgas Pipeline Project Upheld by Appeals Court: Bloomberg
The DC Circuit held Jan. 7 that FERC reasonably approved a natural gas pipeline in Indiana as part of the state’s plan to transition away from coal.
- Judge Neomi Rao wrote that FERC “acted lawfully and reasonably” in assessing the environmental impact and necessity for the pipeline.
- Indiana approved the plan by CenterPoint Energy to retire a coal-fired facility and replace it with wind and solar energy sources in addition to two new natural gas turbines to ensure grid reliability.
- Citizens Action Coalition of Indiana challenged FERC’s approval of a 24-mile Nat gas pipeline from Texas Gas Transmission to serve those turbines, saying the agency’s environmental analysis and order were unreasonable and contrary to federal law.
- The complaint argued that the commission was required to analyse non-gas alternatives before approving the pipeline. But the court disagreed, saying that although FERC has the authority to promote interstate natural gas pipelines under the NGA, Congress left it to the states to determine the method of energy generation.
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