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Italy will tap the market.....>

ITALY AUCTION PREVIEW: Italy will tap the market on Thursday for E6.25-7.75bln.
On offer are the 1.00% Jul-22 BTP, 2.10% Jul-26 BTP and the 3.35% Mar-35 BTP. 
- BACKGROUND: The 1.00% Jul-22 BTP was last auctioned on March 15 with E4.0bln
sold at an average yield of 1.06% and bid-to-cover ratio of 1.49x. The 3.35%
Mar-35 BTP is the 15-year benchmark which was last tapped in January with
E10.0bln sold through syndication at an average yield of 3.41% and bid-to-cover
of 3.36x
- RV/HISTORY: BTP yields have pushed progressively lower since November and the
curve has flattened on the back of the longer-end outperforming. The economy has
been particularly affected by the regional industrial slowdown, which has
contributed to yield compression. The 1.00% Jul-22 BTP trades at a yield of
1.101% down from a recent high of 1.185% on April 4 and 122.6bp outside the
comparable EUR swap. The 3.35% Mar-35 BTP trades at 3.012%, marking a fresh low
for this issue. 
- TIMING: Results are due shortly after the auction closes at 1000BST.

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