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JAPAN DATA: Export Growth In Negative Territory, Trade Deficit Persists


Japan September trade figures saw export growth drop into negative y/y territory (-1.7%, against a 0.9% forecast and 5.5% prior). This was the weakest export growth print since the early stages of 2021 (in y/y terms). Imports held up at 2.1%y/y, albeit still below market expectations (+2.8%, prior +2.3%). The trade balances remained in negative territory, -¥187.2bn, but this was better than forecast (-¥521bn and prior was -¥472bn). 

  • Exports to all the major economies/regions fell in y/y terms. -2.4% for the US, -7.3% for China and -9% for the EU. In volume terms exports were down -6.9%y/y. China export volumes fell -15.1% y/y.
  • The slower export backdrop is consistent with other North East Asia economies, see the chart below (Japan is the red line).
  • Weaker export growth will at the margin give the BOJ more caution around the growth/rate outlook.
  • The trade deficit remains negative but has seen trend improvement in recent months (on a seasonally adjusted basis).

 Fig 1: Japan Export Trend Slows - Y/Y 

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Japan September trade figures saw export growth drop into negative y/y territory (-1.7%, against a 0.9% forecast and 5.5% prior). This was the weakest export growth print since the early stages of 2021 (in y/y terms). Imports held up at 2.1%y/y, albeit still below market expectations (+2.8%, prior +2.3%). The trade balances remained in negative territory, -¥187.2bn, but this was better than forecast (-¥521bn and prior was -¥472bn). 

  • Exports to all the major economies/regions fell in y/y terms. -2.4% for the US, -7.3% for China and -9% for the EU. In volume terms exports were down -6.9%y/y. China export volumes fell -15.1% y/y.
  • The slower export backdrop is consistent with other North East Asia economies, see the chart below (Japan is the red line).
  • Weaker export growth will at the margin give the BOJ more caution around the growth/rate outlook.
  • The trade deficit remains negative but has seen trend improvement in recent months (on a seasonally adjusted basis).

 Fig 1: Japan Export Trend Slows - Y/Y 

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