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JGB's fell yesterday taking their lead from....>

JGBS: JGB's fell yesterday taking their lead from UST's after the tax bill
package at the weekened, trading was also subdued ahead of today's 10-Year
auction. Trade was quiet and fairly thin, long end swaps outperformed the yield
curve ahead of supply this week. BoJ Gov Kuroda offered some support for JGB's
when he said that continuation of easy monetary policy was necessary.
- JGB Opening Call Barclays: "Today could see sellers take a slight upper hand
around the long end ahead of the 10y auction (JB349). We expect somewhat soft
results at the auction assuming yields near current levels (WI close: 0.05%),
given that: 1) the sector is somewhat rich in terms of both level and relative
value, even when factoring in the new issue premium; 2) next week brings ECB and
FOMC meetings and the earliest JB349 will be eligible for purchase by the BoJ is
18 December; and 3) expectations for the BoJ to normalize monetary policy have
recently strengthened somewhat."

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