January 27, 2025 17:46 GMT
LNG: JKM/NWE Spread Hits Two Year Low: Platts
The LNG price spread between Asia and Europe hit the lowest as Europe sought to replace Russian piped gas.
- The Platts NWE LNG vs JKM spread was 70.50 cents/MMBtu, the highest since Dec. 9, 2022.
- As the JKM/NWE spread is negative it indicates Europe's competitive edge over Asia for LNG cargoes.
- Seven cargoes were diverted from Asia to Europe for higher prices.
- European LNG prices rose due to the cessation of Russian gas flows via Ukraine on Jan. 1.
- Europe relies on dwindling storage and other nations' supply. EU gas storage levels dropped to 56.12% on Jan. 24. Europe must meet a 50% inventory target by Feb. 1.
- Analyst forecasts European stocks will be 8% below last year's level by March end. Increased LNG demand from storage refill is expected this summer.

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