January 14, 2025 09:28 GMT
FINANCIALS: LBBW - New Issue - €500m WNG Long 5Y Sr Non-Pref - FV
LBBW - New Issue - €500m WNG Long 5Y Sr Non-Pref
- IPT:MS+125
- FV: MS+120 Liner interpolation between the LBBW 0.375% 2028 and the LBBW 0.375% 2031 would put one around MS+115 then adjust upwards by 5bps for both these bonds are low price. This bond is also not green, which for LBBW seems to entail a 5bp premium. Green LBBW bonds in red on the chart, normal bonds in yellow.
- Exp. Ratings: A2/NR/A+
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