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(M9) Focus Returns To Contract Highs.....>

BOBL TECHS: (M9) Focus Returns To Contract Highs
*RES 4: 133.410 High May 29 2018 (continuation chart) 
*RES 3: 133.320 High Feb 26 (continuation chart) 
*RES 2: 133.310 High Mar 27 
*RES 1: 133.170 High Apr 2 
*PRICE: 133.100 @ 04:58 GMT Apr 11 
*SUP 1: 132.800/825 Low Apr 5,9/21-dma 
*SUP 2: 132.710 Low Mar 25,26 
*SUP 3: 132.510 Low Mar 22 
*SUP 4: 132.440 Low Mar 21 
Bobl futures benefitted from the ECB's dovish comments to recover the 133 level
and close in on the April 2 high at 133.170 ahead of the March 27 contract high
at 133.310. Above here would suggest run at the Feb 26 high on the continuation
chart. The downside target remains at 132.800 with bears looking for a break
below here and the 21-dma to bring the March 25,26 lows at 132.710 into focus.

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