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(M9) Stands Pat *RES 3:........>

AUSSIE 10-YEAR TECHS: (M9) Stands Pat
*RES 3: 98.6367 - First Pivot Resistance (97.1900 - 98.2850)
*RES 2: 98.2704 - Uptrend from Sep'18
*RES 1: 98.2850 - All Time Highs (Mar27)
*PRICE: 98.1000 @ 15:53 BST, Apr 8
*SUP 1: 97.9752 - 50-dma
*SUP 2: 97.1900 - Nov 9 low
*SUP 3: 97.1450 - Jun7/8 low
Friday's US NFP release saw the recent decline stall somewhat and the Monday
session picked up on the trend. Price action was thin and tight, providing few
fresh technical signals in the near-term. For bulls to stage any recovery,
98.1775 is the first target ahead of all time highs at 98.2850. On the downside,
however, the 50-dma is now well within range for bond bears, sitting at 97.9752
and a close below that mark will open March lows at 97.7900 and the 100-dma at

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